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Weekly Photo Challenge … Golden Hour

July 16, 2013

I have not heard of the golden hour and its relationship to the coming and going of the sun.  I only associated its going with lighting up time and end of the day.  Even though I wake just about sunrise there is never any real significance beyond ‘its morning.’

I have of course some romantic connections with the sun and its going down.  For instance I can remember during family holidays in Cornwall,  the most westerly point of England watching a huge golden globe dip into the Atlantic Ocean and the chill breeze from the sea almost immediately after. Also, in southwest Turkey sitting on the rocks; in the warm air, rich in the perfume of sage and pine seeing the rosy mass slide into the turquoise Mediterranean Sea; welcoming the cool breeze that followed.

More recently while in Rio, strolling along the beach at Ipanema where the holiday makers gather on the beach every day at sundown facing westward and giving a standing ovation to the sun as she drops like a mighty fire-stone into the Atlantic Ocean this time the darkness didn’t bring a night chill.

However for the prompt I did some research as regards the so called golden hour. While my images are only the result of one evening and the following morning and may not be considered valid; there is a degree of gold-ness even those taken from my back garden as the sun came up over the Thames Valley. I smiled at the Egyptian Goose or Duck as it bared its bronzed chest eastwards to catch the sun’s warm rays.


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